Master the Basics of Industrial Workplace Safety
Training Programs and Classes That Fits Your Needs
Training Industrial Personnel Since 2000
On-Site Rescue Classes
Master the basics with our simple approach. Because most industrial rescue team members are not professional rescuers, the idea of having to perform a rescue is the furthest thought from their daily responsibility. In times of stress, a person cannot effectively read nor do math. Because of this, rescue must be second-nature, not trusted to a flip-book or manual.

Why Choose Us?
Whether you require industrial rescue, permitted confined space rescue, over-the-wall, NFPA compliance, or OSHA compliance classes, each class is designed to meet your specific needs. Classes concentrate on Mastering the Basics. Other industrial and safety-related classes are available. With Texas Rope Rescue traveling to the site, there are no traveling expenses incurred by employees. Also, class times are scheduled around client's needs. Give your rescue team members the opportunity to have custom-made, quality, on-site rescue training—with the most up-to-date, standard business practice training available.